Senin, 06 Desember 2010


Hello every body,what’s cooking??????????
i would like to introduce my self to you all. Before it,i say welcome and thank you so much for your visit to my blog. I’m so sorry if i can’t give you the best article. Because i know, i just post the ordinary article.
Okey,my name’s Canggih , i’m from Lamongan. I was born on 22nd of August 1994. I’m 16 years old, and now i’m still studying at State Islamic Senior High School Lamongan. I’m sitting in the RMBI class sedond grade. I’m still trying to choose the way that right in my life. I’m an adolescent, so i i’ll look a lot of good friends. Hehehe
I have many hobbies , for the example i love to music especially for rock and pop musics. I like singing and playing music instrument. But i’m not expert, just a little bit (hehehe). My favorite bands are Slank, Ungu, and ‘Bondan Prakoso and Fade to Black’. Do you know Rezpector? Yeaaah, i’m a Rezpector. The other hobby is writting, i like to write and reading poetry.
My future, (hahaha ) i’m sorry i can’t share it to you all. It’s under the table, just my self that know about that... ahahahaha
My destinations make this blog are to complete the task from my IT teacher, i want to share to other people. Ok....
I know if my blog just so so, not so good. So i’ve been waiting your comment, critism and suggestion for me, i need you all to improve my article and my blog. Please send e-mail to .
I’m notmy self and blood, if i have many mistakes to you please forgive me. And don’t tke it personal. The last from me, “always spread out the peace in the world”
Thanks so much ... ^_^

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